Blogs Free to use TIK Wordpress World Wide Web

Scan WordPress mu secara berkala, siapa tau ada malware

Pernah gak sih tiba-tiba website kamu ke block saat akan dibuka di browser? Browser memiliki kebijakan tertentu untuk mem-block website, demi keamanan pengguna browser Nah itu terjadi biasanya karena browser mendeteksi adanya malware di website kamu sehingga untuk mengamankan pengguna browser, mereka menyarankan untuk tidak mengakses web bersangkutan. Untuk mencegah hal tersebut, website yang kita […]

Blogs TIK World Wide Web


Jenis informasi yang dapat dicegah bocor oleh SSL tersebut dapat berupa sesuatu yang sensitif atau pribadi yang dapat mencakup nomor kartu kredit dan informasi keuangan lainnya, nama dan alamat.

Blogs Free Open Source Software (FOSS) Free to use TIK World Wide Web

Konfigurasi .htaccess untuk wordpress supaya agak aman

Haduhh… akhirnya ada beberapa website subdomain yang terkena deface. Makhluk apaan sih itu “deface”? Deface adalah salah satu tindakan merubah tampilan suatu website baik halaman utama ataupun halaman lain yang masih terkait dalam suatu url dengan website tersebut. Yang paling mudah dihajar adalah merubah isi index.php dari suatu halaman website, karena biasanya default untuk […]

Free Open Source Software (FOSS) Free to use TIK

Linux Internet Server Security and Configuration Tutorial

Security configuration and set-up for Linux servers exposed to the internet: Any computer connected to the internet will require steps and precautions to be taken to reduce the exposure to hacker threats. Web, mail and DNS servers are especially vulnerable. Large operations will hide behind a CISCO firewall for most of their protection. The Linux […]

RedHat OS

Install and Secure phpMyAdmin on a CentOS 6

Many websites and applications require databases to store and manage large sets of information. MySQL and MariaDB are popular database management systems because of their flexibility, power, and ubiquity. For many users, managing databases is difficult from the command line. For those who prefer to use a web interface, phpMyAdmin is a great alternative to […]

World Wide Web

Heartbeat Heartbleed Bug Breaks Worldwide Internet Security Again

  Every day you use encryption technology to protect your data, your applications and online services . Most of the time most people are blissfully unaware it is even happening. Whether you are a consumer accessing your Internet bank site, using a mobile application to log in and share data or trading online most of our use of […]

Free Open Source Software (FOSS)

Bossie Awards 2012 The best open source networking and security software

InfoWorld’s top picks among many tools for building a network, running a network, and ensuring that the network is secure By InfoWorld staff, InfoWorld, September 18, 2012 The best open source networking and security software Few will be surprised at the wealth of open source networking and security tools available. But you might be surprised at […]