Well… kalau kamu nanya gitu berarti kamu belum butuh website sih… jadi ya gak usah diterusin. Karena bikin web butuh biaya, udah gitu harus dirawat pula setiap bulan… Dah.. gak usah diterusin aja… Kalau mau di terusin jawab… coba kirim komentar.. Bikin konten juga sulit..
Tag: web
Dengan menginstall plugin jetpack kita bisa mendapatkan beberapa fungsi advance yang biasanya dibutuhkan suatu website profesional. Salah satu yang baru saja saya temukan di versi update jetpack terbaru adalah fitur sitemap. Bagi seseorang yang bergerak dibidang SEO, tentu familiar dengan sitemap, karena sitemap lah yang membuat website kita cepat di kenali oleh search engine, bayangkan […]
Web Error Code Definitions
Status Code Definitions Each Status-Code is described below, including a description of which method(s) it can follow and any metainformation required in the response. 10.1 Informational 1xx This class of status code indicates a provisional response, consisting only of the Status-Line and optional headers, and is terminated by an empty line. There are no required […]
Berdasarkan survei Google tahun 2012, 74% pengguna mobile cenderung untuk berkunjung kembali jika website Anda mobile friendly. 67% pengguna kemungkinan besar akan membeli jika website Anda mobile friendly, namun sebaliknya 61% pengguna akan meninggalkan Anda begitu saja jika website Anda tidak mobile friendly.
Massimo Marchiori could have been one of the wealthiest Silicon Valley billionaires. Instead, he’s a $3,000 per-month computer-science professor and mathematician at University of Padua, Italy. It was 17 years ago that he showed the world his Internet search engine. Sitting in the audience at an Internet conference in Santa Clara, California, when Marchiori […]
Sometimes we want that our background text to be transparent to our base web background, this code can make your dream come true… cheers.. :p
Redirect Halaman Web
Where can you submit your RSS Feeds? Below is a list where you can submit your blog and RSS feeds. These RSS submission sites are ordered byGoogle PageRank and listed with links to the “Add/Suggest a Site” pages. Last updated: September 07, 2011 No. Directory PR Comments 1 www.technorati.com 8 * Register 2 www.rss-verzeichnis.de/anmelden.php 8 ** German 3 […]
How to Increase Backlinks to Your Website? Your website must be effectively optimized by the various SEO techniques. Thus it helps that before starting to increase backlinks for your website you need to check that the following things be done properly. 1.Your website must be properly designed with no broken link and also internal linking structure must […]
Website perusahaan merupakan representasi dan pintu gerbang dari bisnis anda. Ratusan bahkan ribuan orang akan melihat sebuah website dan mendapatkan solusi. Apa yang mereka lihat disana dan bagaimana mereka berinteraksi akan menentukan kesuksesan atau kegagalan sebuah website dan bukannya tak mungkin bisnis anda. Berikut adalah beberapa kesalahan yang sering dialami oleh website bisnis tak peduli […]