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How to Pay Late Fines Make an Individual Tax Report

Previously, I didn’t understand why people who already paid taxes had to make manual tax reports again? Shouldn’t the Director General of Taxes automatically record that so and so has paid so much tax….

Already paying taxes, uh have to make manual reports again…

hilfan, 2022

Isn’t that how it works?

Ah never mind, as people we can only obey the rules of the authorities…

Basic Rules for Late Tax Report Fines

Anyway, I just did my personal tax reporting around August… after the return letter was found, it turned out that all this time it had been tucked under the table, then there was a tax letter to my parents’ house, around October… and because I had separated from my parents’ house, I I just went to my parents’ house in November, so I just received a notice that I was fined for late personal tax reporting.

There is a legal basis for late tax return penalty charges

There is a threat if not paid

There is no indication of how to pay the fine

Fines Article 7 Law No. 6 of 1983 concerning General Provisions and Tax Procedures as amended several times, most recently by Law Number 11 of 2020 (KUP) for delays in Submission of Periodic/Annual Notification Letters (SPT ) .


The amount for a personal tax fine is Rp. 100.000,-, and there is a horror footnote under the letter.


Make payments before the due date. If payment has not been made by the due date, tax collection will be carried out with a Distress Warrant.

Surat Tagihan Pajak, Pajak Penghasilan

Duh, I’m being chased because I have a debt to the state, even though I already paid taxes, which somehow can be that cruel..

Penalty Interest Not Paid

And it seems that if we don’t pay this fine, the interest will continue to grow (usury)… Because there are interest notes Article 8 (2, 2a), Article 9 (2a, 2b), Article 14 (3), Article 19 (2, 3).

Oh God, I can’t imagine… how many, how big the sins of these tax collectors are..

Just collecting taxes is a sin, this also imposes fines on the taxpayers… those who make the rules bear the most burden…

There is interest if you don’t pay the fine

Blooming flowers continue to multiply

Just accept fate… it’s time to pay this fine, instead of us getting an even bigger burden from the government authorities.

How to Pay Fines

I flipped through the tax penalty invoice, but found no information regarding how to pay the fine. There are only threats without any clues to avoid threats. It’s very deliberate so that it’s difficult to pay fines, so you get fines and reprimands.

After googling, I got instructions from

It turned out complicatedttttt…… I had a captcha/security code that didn’t come out several times, the year drop down didn’t come out, so I had to reload and log in repeatedly, change browsers.. top, it takes extra patience…

I hope you don’t get into trouble like what I experienced, and especially don’t be late in reporting if you don’t want to be subject to fines and interest… usury will make the afterlife miserable…

Open the Tax Application

Login to the tax application

Enter the NPWP number


Security code

After logging in, ensure access to

Enter the Pay menu

Click on the EBilling image

Later it will open the page

EBilling Billing Penalties for Late Personal Tax Reports

The taxpayer data column will be filled in automatically

Enter the type of personal tax article 25

Deposit Type 300 Stp

January – December tax period

Tax Year, adjust to the tax bill

Stipulation number = income tax bill love letter number

deposit amount, 100000 for individuals

Click “Buat Kode Billing”

Print Bills

a printed billing code will appear later

pay before the time expires

or have to make another billing code

Pay Through E-Banking

Pay taxes through ebanking

Choose Menu Bayar

Choose Penerimaan Negara (MPN)

Choose Pajak/Cukai/SBN/Paspor

Enter the billing code for the tax fine that you printed earlier

Save proof of payment of late fines on your tax return

because if tax collectors make trouble, we can have proof

because it could be that our printed billing code is wrong, they usually don’t want to know, it’s our fault, it’s considered not paid…

cape dehhh…


Hopefully the tax collectors will soon be given another lawful job…

May they be given taufik and guidance

Hopefully they will repent

Save us from the cruelty of the tax collectors

The legal basis for the prohibition of the work of tax collectors

hadiths that explain the prohibition of taxes and threats to the withdrawal, among them that the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said.

إِنَّ صَاحِبَ الْمَكسِ فِيْ النَّارِ

“Indeed the perpetrator/tax collector will be punished in hell” [HR Ahmad 4/109, Abu Dawud book of Al-Imarah: 7]

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