
Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology COBIT

COBIT dikembangkan oleh IT Governance Institute (ITGI), yang merupakan bagian dari Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA). Saat ini pengembangan terbaru dari standar ini adalah COBIT Edisi 5.


Steam Machine Prototipe Konsol Pesaing PS4 dan Xbox One

Steam Machine Prototipe Konsol Pesaing PS4 dan Xbox One Pengembang video game ternama asal Washington, Valve, selama ini dikenal memiliki sebuah platform distribusi video game digital, yaitu Steam. Platform Steam kerap diandalkan para gamer di berbagai penjuru dunia untuk membeli ataupun melakukan update konten video game.


Meet the Italian Who Beat Google to Web Search and Gave It Away-Massimo Marchiori

  Massimo Marchiori could have been one of the wealthiest Silicon Valley billionaires. Instead, he’s a $3,000 per-month computer-science professor and mathematician at University of Padua, Italy. It was 17 years ago that he showed the world his Internet search engine. Sitting in the audience at an Internet conference in Santa Clara, California, when Marchiori […]

Blogs World Wide Web

Template yang Seo Friendly

Dalam SEO sebenarnya ada dua kategori yaitu SEO On Page dan SEO Off Page. Template Design itu termasuk dalam SEO On Page yaitu optimasi SEO dari dalam website. Aspek-aspek apa yang harus ada dalam kategori template yang seo friendly? mari kita simak.  

World Wide Web

Digital Marketing Training Week 2 Configure Analytics to Measure Conversions

From WooRank’s 30-Week Digital Marketing Training Task 2 : Configure Analytics to Measure Conversions This week, spend an hour configuring Google Analytics to measure conversions on your website. Why is this important? Configuring and setting goals in your website’s analytics allows you to measure which mode of marketing brings in more web traffic. This information […]

World Wide Web

WordPress Basic SEO

Ada beberapa hal mengapa kita perlu maintain SEO di web kita, salah satunya adalah memudahkan mesin pencari mendeskripsikan artikel yang kita broadcast, dengan begitu user yang mencari melalui mesin pencari (Search Engine) akan lebih terarahkan sesuai keyword yang dicari.  Untuk CMS WordPress (diluar sendiri ada baiknya kita lakukan langkah-langkah dasar (basic), guna mengoptimalisasi citra […]

World Wide Web

New WordPress 3.9

Looking the news update of New WordPress 3.9 it’s very awesome.. take a look the introduction.. lets check it out… BTW As Soon As Possible I will update all of my client web that using CMS WordPress.

World Wide Web

Digital Marketing Training Week 1 Define Your Website’s Objectives

From WooRank’s 30-Week Digital Marketing Training   Welcome Hilfan, During this 30-week training you will learn the tips and tricks necessary to improve your website’s traffic, leads and sales. It is time to get found online, and we are here to show you how! Each week, we will send you an email with digital marketing techniques […]

World Wide Web

Transparent Color In Web Appearance

Sometimes we want that our background text to be transparent to our base web background, this code can make your dream come true… cheers.. :p

World Wide Web

Heartbeat Heartbleed Bug Breaks Worldwide Internet Security Again

  Every day you use encryption technology to protect your data, your applications and online services . Most of the time most people are blissfully unaware it is even happening. Whether you are a consumer accessing your Internet bank site, using a mobile application to log in and share data or trading online most of our use of […]

World Wide Web

2013 in review hilfan blog

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt: The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 9,800 times in 2013. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 4 sold-out performances for that many […]

World Wide Web

URL Yang Mudah Dipahami Search Engine

Search engine friendly (SEF), human-readable or clean URLs are URLs that make sense to both humans and search engines because they explain the path to the particular page they point to. Since version 1.5, Joomla! is capable of creating and parsing URLs in any format, including SEF URLs. This does not depend on URL rewriting executed by the web […]

Blogs World Wide Web

Website on Search Engine

It is important that your website can be found by people who are looking for its content, therefore you must serve content to search engine ‘bots’ in a way that they can interpret, analyse and identify how relevant it is to the search query. For this to happen, you need to bring to the attention […]

World Wide Web

Optimalisasi Search Enggine Subdomain Subdirectory

Tidak ada masalah Main Domain dan Subdomain kecuali Subdomain tidak berlaku di Google Adsense. Paling penting adalah menempelkan tautan Main Domain di halaman Subdomain agar dapat diindex oleh Google dan mesin cari lainnya. Jangan lupa meta keywords juga dipasang. 

Free Open Source Software (FOSS)

Software Open Source Bisa Hemat Miliaran Rupiah

Sejumlah perusahaan mampu menghemat hingga miliaran rupiah dengan menggunakan software open source (OS), perangkat lunak yang dalam penggunaannya tidak dikenakan biaya lisensi maupun royalti oleh pengembangnya. “Dengan OS, kita bisa menghemat 500 dollar AS untuk tiap terminal Personal Computer (PC) yang menjalankan fungsi office,” kata pemilik perusahaan penerbitan dan percetakan Dian Rakyat Group, Mario Alisjahbana, […]

Free Open Source Software (FOSS)

FOSS Online Library Aplication

FOSS Online Library Aplication buatan Indonesia diseponsori oleh Pusat Informasi dan Humas Depdiknas RI diberi nama SENAYAN dan disingkat SLIMS. SENAYAN adalah aplikasi open source berbasis web untuk keperluan automasi perpustakaan. SENAYAN dikembangkan di atas bahasa pemrograman web paling populer saat ini yaitu PHP 5 dan RDBMS MySQL 5 untuk backend penyimpanan data-nya. FOSS Online […]