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Household Waste Management

For a year now, the trash in my home neighborhoods has always been a problem, piling up more often. So if you walk through the housing complex you can really smell rotting kitchen waste.

We have been advised several times to separate kitchen waste, try to create a LoSeDa as recommended by the Bandung City Government, so that the only waste that accumulates in the rubbish bin is inorganic waste.

But it seems like laziness is greater, it’s easier to complain to the RT administrator, without any extra effort from each resident of the complex, paying fees is often late, and the amount is also normal, but if you complain it feels like he is the one who suffers the most.

Waste is one of the most pressing environmental problems today. In Indonesia, the amount of household waste produced annually reaches 67.8 million tons. Most of this waste ends up in final disposal sites (TPA), which can cause various environmental problems, such as water, soil and air pollution.

Role of Government

In my opinion, it would be better for the government to disseminate information not only on Instagram social media, but also on a large scale on other social media, WhatsApp boards, TV advertisements, banners and so on, so that little by little our inner world will begin to be moved to do it. independent waste management.

However, the bandung government is also unable to create an integrated waste management system.

Waste Management Procedures

To reduce the amount of waste thrown into landfill, we need to implement better waste management at home. The following are some tips on how to manage household waste so that it doesn’t always go to landfill:

  1. Sort trash

The first step that must be taken is to sort the waste based on type. Waste can be grouped into organic waste, inorganic waste and B3 waste.

  • Organic waste  is waste that can decompose naturally, such as food scraps, leaves and animal waste. Organic waste can be processed into compost, which can be used as fertilizer.
  • Inorganic waste  is waste that cannot be decomposed naturally, such as plastic, paper and metal. Inorganic waste can be recycled or processed into energy.
  • B3 waste  is waste that is dangerous to health and the environment, such as batteries, paint and pesticides. B3 waste must be managed in a safe way, for example by taking it to a B3 waste disposal site.
  1. Reduce packaging use

One way to reduce the amount of inorganic waste is to reduce the use of packaging. We can bring our own shopping bags when shopping, and avoid using products packaged in plastic or cardboard.

  1. Recycle

Recyclable inorganic waste, such as plastic, paper and metal, can be taken to recycling sites. Recycling can help reduce the amount of waste thrown into landfill, and can also save natural resources.

  1. Compost organic waste

Organic waste can be processed into compost, which can be used as fertilizer. Compost can be made by combining organic waste, such as food scraps and leaves, with soil.

  1. Reuse items that are no longer used

Items that are no longer used can be reused, for example by repairing them or changing their function. By reusing items, we can reduce the amount of waste generated.

If we are able to implement the tips above, we can reduce the amount of waste thrown into landfill, and can also help protect the environment.

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