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General solution to improve a website’s page speed


Optimize CSS Delivery.

Optimize CSS delivery for faster page rendering by inlining, defer loading, compressing CSS.

Enable Gzip Compression.

Reduce the file size of web files by an average of 50-70% by enabling gzip compression.

Enable Caching.

Leverage browser caching to speed up a website. Learn about other methods to enable caching server side and client side.

Defer Load CSS.

Defer load low priority CSS scripts to render your web pages quicker by loading them after the critical above-the-fold CSS has loaded.

Inline CSS Scripts.

Instantly render CSS by calling it from the HTML head. Avoid the use of render-blocking CSS scripts.

Defer Load JavaScript.

Defer load JavaScrip files to improve page load times.

Use Less JavaScript.

Learn to detect and remove JavaScript a web page doesn’t necessarily need to look and function in the exact same way.

Make Fewer HTTP Requests.

Make fewer HTTP requests to minimize parallel downloads by reducing the amount of files a web page loads to a minimum.

Set Up The Critical Rendering Path.

Set up the critical rendering path to speed up the initial above-the-fold view a visitor gets to see when loading a web page.

Reduce The Amount Of Functional Images.

Reduce the amount of image files a web page loads by combining or replacing them.

Optimize Images.

Optimize images by reducing their file size to a bare minimum to speed a website up.

Lazy Load Images.

Lazy load images and instead only load them when a visitor is viewing them.

Fix Broken Requests.

Detect and fix all broken links, images and other files to improve a page’s performance. Broken requests can slow a web page down.

How To Speed Up WordPress.

Optimize a WordPress website by using different plugins, tricks and methods.

How To Speed Up Apache.

Learn how to speed up an Apache server by tweaking its settings and using free applications.

Use The Right Hosting.

Which type of hosting is best for speed? Shared, VPS, dedicated or another type?

Don’t Use CSS @Import.

Avoid using CSS @import to load external CSS files.

Inline JavaScript.

Inline (smaller) JavaScript to improve page load times.

Avoid JavaScript Libraries.

Avoid loading big JavaScript libraries like Jquery when possible.

Use Asynchronous Scripts.

Load scripts asynchronously to improve page load times.

Avoid Redirects.

Avoid using unnecessary redirects, stop them from slowing a website down.

Enable Keep-Alive.

Make sure keep-alive is enabled to allow multiple browser connections without using multiple TCP connections.

Use A CDN.

Use a Content Delivery Network to deliver web pages to your visitors with the fastest response & download times.

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