Info Kampus Pemeringkatan Institusi

Telkom University The Best Private Universities in Indonesia

Last Friday precisely on August 16, 2019, the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) announced the clustering of Indonesian tertiary institutions in 2019 at Building D Kemenristekdikti, Senayan, Jakarta. You can see Telkom University The Best Private Universities in Indonesia.

Based on Kemenristekdikti’s press release that this clustering was carried out to map Indonesian tertiary institutions under the auspices of Kemenristekdikti in order to improve the quality of tertiary institutions while at the same time becoming the basis for Kemenristekdikti to provide policies according to the capacity of each of the higher education clusters.

The Higher Education Ranking 2019 focuses on indicators or assessments based on Output – Outcome Base, namely by looking at Input Performance with a weighting of 40% which includes Input (15%) and Process performance (25%), and Output Performance with a weight of 60% which includes Performance Output (25%), and Outcome (35%).

Chancellor of Telkom University (Tel-U) Prof. Adiwijaya said that Telkom University in the previous year was ranked 3rd for PTS (Private Higher Education) for the national level, and ranked 33th for all PT (Higher Education) in Indonesia as meant by the State.

Telkom University Becomes No.1 PTS in Indonesia

“In 2018 we were ranked 33rd for all PTs in Indonesia, including the state, and this year we were ranked first for PTS, if included with a state PT, we were in the 14th position,” he said.

Based on the assessment indicators provided by the Ministry of Research and Technology, Adiwijaya added that Tel-U was the most prominent in terms of the number of study program (Study Program) accreditation programs, already 70% of study programs in Tel U were accredited A and 59% of them were internationally accredited.

“Thank God, from the input performance that has been owned by Tel-U has given a good rating point, it is all because almost all Study Programs in Tel-U pocketed A (superior) accreditation and 59% of them have been accredited internationally.” He explained.

Adiwijaya added that in terms of outputs related to research and innovation results, it has been proven that Tel-U was nominated in the Widyapadhi Grand Final in 2019 as an innovation development institution and entrepreneurship institution, which will be announced on the National Technology Awakening Day (HARTEKNAS) on 27 August 2019 in Denpasar, Bali.

“In line with the theme of the 74th Anniversary of Indonesia, namely Advanced Indonesian Advanced HR, Telkom University will also continue to contribute to assist in the development of HR in Indonesia and participate in developing the Indonesian economy by creating entrepreneurship and producing innovations for this country.”

Based on a press release from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Technology, the following 10 best private universities in 2019:

  1. Universitas Telkom ( klaster 2)
  2. Universitas Islam Indonesia (klaster 2)
  3. Universitas Bina Nusantara (klaster 2)
  4. Universitas Katolik Parahyangan (klaster 2)
  5. Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta (klaster 2)
  6. Universitas Surabaya (klaster 2)
  7. Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya (klaster 2)
  8. Universitas Tarumanagara (klaster 2)
  9. Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (klaster 2)
  10. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (klaster 2)
Telkom University Universitas Swasta Terbaik se Indonesia
Telkom University The Best Private Universities in Indonesia

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