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WordPress Security Guide

Malware costs businesses billions of dollars every year in lost revenue, legal costs, damage to branding, and data theft. To make matters worse, hackers constantly evolve their tactics, so malware keeps changing and getting harder to spot.   There are data breaches almost every day, and the scary part is how much people are losing to […]

Blogs Free Open Source Software (FOSS) Free to use Hosting Management TIK Wordpress World Wide Web

WordPress CSRF Attacks: Vulnerability and Prevention

All attacks are bad for your site, but WordPress CSRF attacks are damaging on multiple levels. This class of attacks hijacks the account of an authenticated user to steal data, change settings or permissions, and in general cause havoc.  WordPress site administrators need to be particularly vigilant about CSRF vulnerabilities found in the plugins on their sites. […]

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Implement Security make your online business more trusted

5 Ways to Maximize the Security, Performance and Reliability of Your Online Business The Internet is changing rapidly, and with it, so is the nature of modern enterprises. Providing a superior online experience for a global customer base is no longer optional; as demand increases for web-based services and applications, businesses must rise to satisfy […]