RedHat OS

Fedora 19

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Fedora 19 Beats Windows 8.1 to the Punch with Native 3D Printing Support

The latest version of Fedora, Red Hat-sponsored open-source, community-driven Linux distribution, is the first PC operating system released to market with native support for 3D printing. Fedora 19, code-named “Schrödinger’s Cat,” includes open-source software for creation of 3D models, and tools for generating code to send to 3D printers. Most aftermarket 3D printers should run plug-and-play off the operating system.

Microsoft’s Windows 8.1 operating system was in the bid to being the first OS with 3D printing support, but its approach to the concept isn’t as thorough as Fedora’s. In addition to manufacturer-supplied drivers, you’d need to use your own modeling software. Released now, Fedora 19 is available for 32-bit and 64-bit x86 PCs, and in four desktop environment flavors: GNOME (default), KDE, LXDE, and Xfce.

DOWNLOAD: Fedora 19

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