Blogs TIK

Red Hat OpenShift on Azure

[Webinar] Red Hat OpenShift on Azure – why it is great news for your business As more and more companies start to tap on containers for its agility and flexibility, developers need a way to easily orchestrate and manage these applications across. Join our webinar to understand how Red Hat OpenShift on Azure can help […]

TIK World Wide Web

Update Services Menu For Your Blog to be Know by the Internet more Fast

Update Services are tools you can use to let other people know you’ve updated your blog. WordPress automatically notifies popular Update Services that you’ve updated your blog by sending a XML-RPC ping each time you create or update a post. In turn, Update Services process the ping and updates their proprietary indices with your update. Now people browsing sites like […]

Blogs TIK World Wide Web

Menu Update Services Agar Blog Anda Cepat Diketahui Internet

Jika anda menggunakan wordpress untuk mengelola website maka jangan pernah tinggalkan menu Update Services dalam keadaan kosong…. rugiiii… Kenapa? karena dengan mengisinya website kamu atau postingan terbaru bisa lebih cepat diketahui oleh dunia internet… Caranya masuk menu: yourdomian/wp-admin/options-writing.php Isi pada bagian:  Update Services When you publish a new post, WordPress automatically notifies the following site update services. […]