World Wide Web

What Google Looks at When Deciding Where to Rank Your Website

There are many different factor, that are contribute to your SEO rankings booth On-Page and Off-Page. Here is selection of example to consider and some tips to making sure your SEO campaign is up to scratch.

Multimedia World Wide Web

How to Avoid Using the Wrong Colour Scheme on Your Website

Collors effect us in countless ways, mentally and physically, consciously and subconsciously.

Free Open Source Software (FOSS) World Wide Web

HTTrack Website Copier

HTTrack is a free (GPL, libre/free software) and easy-to-use offline browser utility. It allows you to download a World Wide Web site from the Internet to a local directory, building recursively all directories, getting HTML, images, and other files from the server to your computer. HTTrack arranges the original site’s relative link-structure. Simply open a […]

Blogs World Wide Web

Website on Search Engine

It is important that your website can be found by people who are looking for its content, therefore you must serve content to search engine ‘bots’ in a way that they can interpret, analyse and identify how relevant it is to the search query. For this to happen, you need to bring to the attention […]

Blogs World Wide Web

Membuat Google Sitemap untuk Website Anda

  Sitemap atau peta situs adalah struktur dari tautan-tautan (link) pada website yang saling memiliki relevansi dan keterkaitan. Keberadaan sitemap pada sebuah website akan memudahkan Search Engine melakukan crawl atau penjejakan ke seluruh konten yang ada di situs anda. Jadi pemilik website, khusus bagi anda yang belum memiliki sitemap di website anda, mari luangkan sedikit […]

World Wide Web

Meningkatkan Kecepatan Website

  Mengurangi DNS Lookup Domain Name System (DNS) bekerja dengan memetakan hostname ke dalam alamat IP. Sama seperti buku telefon yang memetakan nama orang dan nomor telfonnya. Proses DNS lookup terjadi misalnya ketika anda mengetik, browser akan menghubungi resolver DNS untuk mencarikan alamat IP server Proses DNS lookup berlangsung selama sekitar 20-120 milidetik. […]

Free Open Source Software (FOSS)

HTTrack Website Copier

Source :   HTTrack is a free (GPL, libre/free software) and easy-to-use offline browser utility. It allows you to download a World Wide Web site from the Internet to a local directory, building recursively all directories, getting HTML, images, and other files from the server to your computer. HTTrack arranges the original site’s relative link-structure. Simply open […]

World Wide Web

Free and Premium HTML or CSS eCommerce Website Templates

Source :   Are you are looking a templates for building an online shop, retail store or eCommerce website for selling your products online?, if so, then you have come to the right place. Here we present 30 free and premium HTML/CSS template specifically designed for selling products online, all of these templates are well-designed, some of them […]

Blogs World Wide Web

Cara Mengetes Efektivitas Halaman Website Anda untuk Mendatangkan Penjualan Berlipat

Anda sudah punya website? Anda sudah punya produk yang dipasarkan? Dan anda sudah bersiap melancarkan promosi lewat internet seperti yang diajarkan di 3 jurus ampuh SMUO. Sebentar… Ada baiknya anda lihat terlebih dahulu halaman website anda sebelum memulai promosi. Ini merupakan bagian dari upaya agarkonversi web anda menjadi baik. Bagaimana caranya? Simak langkah-langkah berikut ini… Cara yang […]

World Wide Web

7 Tools To Make An RSS Feed Of Any Website

Michael Garrett Considering how popular RSS feeds have become (primarily among blogs, but also elsewhere), I find it annoying when I come across websites that offer constantly updated content in a “feed-friendly” format, but neglect to offer this option. Other times, I just want a more refined feed of one category of a blog. Some […]

World Wide Web

Free RSS Submission Directories List

Where can you submit your RSS Feeds? Below is a list where you can submit your blog and RSS feeds. These RSS submission sites are ordered byGoogle PageRank and listed with links to the “Add/Suggest a Site” pages. Last updated: September 07, 2011 No. Directory PR Comments 1 8 * Register 2 8 ** German 3 […]

Pemeringkatan Institusi World Wide Web

Branding, URLs, HANDLEs and DOIs in repositories

The indicator used for estimating the visibility (impact) of the items deposited in the repositories is the number of external inlinks they received, considering as the targeted URLs those that are using the domain or subdomain of the repository. For example:* where the asterisk refer to all the webpages and documents independently of their format. Surprisingly […]

World Wide Web

How to Increase Backlinks to Your Website?

How to Increase Backlinks to Your Website? Your website must be effectively optimized by the various SEO techniques. Thus it helps that before starting to increase backlinks for your website you need to check that the following things be done properly. 1.Your website must be properly designed with no broken link and also internal linking structure must […]

Blogs World Wide Web

How to increase backlinks to your website

Link building or the process of getting backlinks to your website is very important because other than to increase referral traffic to your site, it’ll also increase search engine traffic by increasing your site’s PageRank. Link building is therefore the most important step in increasing your website’s traffic. Link bait Link bait as the name implies […]

Blogs World Wide Web

13 Kesalahan Fatal Dalam Desain Website Bisnis

Website perusahaan merupakan representasi dan pintu gerbang dari bisnis anda.  Ratusan bahkan ribuan orang akan melihat sebuah website dan mendapatkan solusi.  Apa yang mereka lihat disana dan bagaimana mereka berinteraksi akan menentukan kesuksesan atau kegagalan sebuah website dan bukannya tak mungkin bisnis anda. Berikut adalah beberapa kesalahan yang sering dialami oleh website bisnis tak peduli […]