
Analysis Your Website Performance with Screpy

In the last 3 weeks I have use this amazing tools to help me monitor performance of website. This Screpy give me information which before this I have to use multiple tab to access some tools online, but now it’s more simple, And I can work efficiently. Overview Is a general dashboard report of your […]

Blogs Info Kampus Microsoft Learn

Please activated your windows

As a member of the academic communityTelkom University , we all have the facilities to get a licenseMicrosoft’s operating system is Windows OS, starting from Windows 7, 8, 10, 11. All employees (lecturers and TPA) as well as students, can download the licensethe operating system there is internal or external site directly tomicrosoft . It’s a shame, when you’re presenting , it turns out that the […]

Blogs Info Kampus Microsoft Learn

Jangan biarkan windows belum activate

Sebagai anggota dari civitas academica Telkom University, kita semua telah memiliki fasilitas untuk mendapatkan lisensi Operating System milik Microsoft yaitu Windows OS, baik itu dari mulai Windows 7, 8, 10, 11. Semua pegawai (dosen dan TPA) serta mahasiswa, dapat mengunduh lisensi operating system di situ internal maupun situ external langsung ke microsoft Malu […]