Blogs TIK World Wide Web

Increase the overall number of visitors to your website

Many businesses produce blogs and press releases to increase their search engine rankings and presence. Companies that publish 16+ blog posts per month get almost 3.5X more traffic than companies that publish 0-4 posts a month. Here are some great ideas for blog posts: Monthly industry round-ups Question from your audience Book/Movie review Tutorials Inspiration/motivation […]

Blogs TIK World Wide Web

Small Businesses Can Compete With Giants in SEO with this 5 Ways

Search marketing has grown in popularity as online search continues to evolve from a novelty to a standard feature in our everyday lives. Almost every business in the country, big or small and regardless of industry, has some kind of web presence, and everybody is competing for only a handful of positions at the top […]

Blogs TIK World Wide Web

Increase the overall number of visitors to your website

There are three distinct types of SEO that you need to perform in order for your small business website to grow organically. These include: Code-Driven SEO: Make sure your website is fast, mobile-friendly and that you provide meta tags, meta descriptions, and other relevant markup content so that the search engines can easily sort and […]

Blogs Entrepreneurship Kepemimpinan dan Manajemen

Seorang Leader memiliki beberapa pilihan dalam mengambil keputusan

Seorang leader harus mengambil keputusan dalam rutinitas sehari-hari. Namun, leader juga harus bisa memahami pendekatan manakah yang baik untuk situasi tertentu. Apakah topdown approach atau bottom-down approach?

Blogs TIK World Wide Web

Dofollow vs Nofollow ratio

the truth is that it’s very difficult, perhaps impossible to get a 50/50 ratio. What I think is that the dofollow vs nofollow ratio should be tiny. Say follow links (60%)

Blogs Free Open Source Software (FOSS) Free to use Wordpress

Tidak bisa melihat IP Public yang memberi komentar atau pengunjung

Hal tersebut biasanya terjadi apabila wordpress anda, atau web servernya berada dibelakang sebuah firewall dan hanya memiliki IP Local (tidak memiliki IP Public), sehingga setiap pengunjung akan melewati firewall, dan IP Local firewall lah yang terdeteksi oleh WordPress. Untuk mengetahui IP Public pengunjung maka di perlukan X-Forwarded-For HTTP, bisa dilihat di Tambahkan ini di […]

Blogs Free Open Source Software (FOSS) Free to use Wordpress

Pengamanan melalui .htaccess wordpress dari percobaan hacking

# Extra Security Headers

Header set X-XSS-Protection “1; mode=block”
Header always append X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN
Header set X-Content-Type-Options nosniff

Blogs CEO YPT Info Kampus

Semangat Baru, Menuju Gerbang 2021

Semangat Baru,  Menuju Gerbang 2021   Assalamualaikum Wr Wb Salam Sejahtera Bagi Kita Semua   Tahun 2020 akan kita tinggalkan dan gerbang baru telah terbuka, saatnya kita untuk meretas jalan baru di tahun 2021. Perjalanan panjang ditahun 2020 menjadi momentum yang penuh tantangan, dimana kita seketika dihadapkan pada sebuah era yang tak pernah terbayangkan  dan […]