Dari Grup HP


Seorang kakek bernama “Jantan” tinggal di dekat telaga yang airnya sangat jernih dan di kelilingi oleh pohon buah2an. Pada suatu hari kakek Jantan pergi ke telaga dengan membawa keranjang utk memetik buah2an. Sesampainya di sana, didapatinya beberapa gadis cantik sedang berenang tanpa memakai sehelai pakaian pun alias telanjang bulat… Para gadis begitu melihat kakek datang, […]


Turn your “blah office” into a “smart office”

Is your workspace as useful and efficient as it can be? Are your employees finding it easy to get work done and stay productive? If you’re operating on outdated technology, then the answer is probably no. It’s time to take advantage of the power of technology and turn your behind-the-times office into a “smart office.” […]