Free Open Source Software (FOSS)

LESOLL Aplikasi Operator Lab Multimedia

Berhubung ingin mengontrol kegitan disebuah laboratium komputer, hasil search di google dihasilkan 2 aplikasi yang cukup banyak digunakan oleh laboratorium komputer di kampus luar negri. Pertama adalah aplikasi E-Talk, kedua adalah LESOLL Aplikasi Operator Lab Multimedia.


LESOLL is an innovative concept of learning. It’s all digital and regardless of any specific hardware.

LLSOLL (Language laboratory in Open Source and Free software) became LESOLL (Education Laboratory in Open Source and Free Software).

Specific features in the language laboratory were developed but having tested a prototype version during one year in real condition within a language laboratory classroom, we realised that features are also adapted for general learning, like multimedia, computing, chemistry, physics and mathematical lesson. LESOLL consists of a set of modules of existing freeware or specially developed for this project. It can be used in classroom or by the pupil in autonomous mode at home, without having any license to buy. He can install the software or start on Live CD and remake exercises made at school or even make homework given by the teacher. The possibilities are unlimited.

LESOLL allows from a teacher workstation to interact with the pupils through a friendly user interface. It allows to check what the students are doing , to send orders or files to the pupils, to allow pupils to communicate each an other, to control pupils workstations remotely and other numerous functions are available. It also allows the creation of working groups to diversify the activities within the same classroom and allows the teacher to prepare easily and intuitively a lesson, to create exercises by using more complex or simple scenarios according to the degree of the classroom, then to distribute them to the students. The pupil can then on his workstation make the exercise, the teacher can watch his state of progress, and once ended this one will automatically be passed on to the teacher.

The project also plans the provision of a content of lesson and exercises which can be used by everybody. The given documents will be free of rights and the access will be free. The prototype is functional we’ll must improve some features, and develop some modules but is the first step, you can discover the new model here: 

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