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Issues in WordPress 5.6 and Stages of Fixes

Entering the WordPress update to 5.6, there are a number of problems that arise in clients using the WordPress CMS, usually the ones that are complained of:

The editor menu does not appear
WPBakery doesn’t come out of the tool
Messy look
Blank white front page
Wp-admin menu messed up
When the mouse is over to a menu in WordPress admin, the dropdown menu will not appear
Some pages on the admin menu, blank do not partially exit the menu, or the sub menu tab menu cannot be clicked
Cannot log in, even though there is no change in password / user access

Entering the WordPress update to 5.6, there are a number of problems that arise in clients using the WordPress CMS, usually the ones that are complained of:

  • The editor menu does not appear
  • WPBakery doesn’t come out of the tool
  • Messy look
  • Blank white front page
  • Wp-admin menu messed up
  • When the mouse is over to a menu in WordPress admin, the dropdown menu will not appear
  • Some pages on the admin menu, blank do not partially exit the menu, or the sub menu tab menu cannot be clicked
  • Cannot log in, even though there is no change in password / user access

After several tens of times handling the complaint, to make it more traceable, do the troubleshoot as follows:

  • Enable wordpress debugging, in the wp-config.php file, add / add the script: define (‘DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT’, true);
  • Check the .htaccess file, backup first, return to standard .htaccess worddpress and cpanel (if using cpanel)
  • Enable / clear cache, disable compressed files and optimize in cpanel
  • See the results, if there are changes and errors that arise, if you don’t do the next steps
  • If you can login and access wp-admin, update all plugins and themes
  • install a plugin that can scan for malware, I use Defender Pro, do a scan, and do any recommendations that are generated.
  • Try activating wordpress database repair first, and do the repair and optimization of the database, in the wp-config.php file, add / add the script: define (‘WP_ALLOW_REPAIR’, true);
  • If you have made recommendations, usually delete or restore or update files that are detected as infiltrated by malware, if there are still problems, do the following
  • Perform database repair by accessing the url /wp-admin/maint/repair.php
  • If all the wordpress files are lost immediately, access ftp, and replace the wordpress installation with version 5.5.3, download wordpress 5.5.3 here, no content
  • If it is normal, thank God, if there are still obstacles, do the following
  • try deactivating all plugins, check if the complained still arises, if it still occurs
  • remove the wpbakery plugin, classic editor, Gutenberg, and reinstall the plugin
  • if there is still an error, downgrade again to wordpress to 5.4.4, do a malware scan and check the results, my experience has been to downgrade to version 5.3, and always scan for malware and make recommendations.
  • If in the end, for example in wp 5.4.4 it can go back to normal, update it to 5.5.3 again, if it’s normal, go up again to 5.6.1, if it’s normal, thank God, but in my experience, it can only be normal in version 5.5.3.

Suggestions if you have more money, use cloudflare, if you have your own infrastructure, use a WAF (Web application firewall) it’s up to you what software to use. Its main purpose is to make it difficult for malware to enter. If you use cpanel, Modsec (security) is activated.

Conclusion: it seems all because of malware that comes in, in the form of the php file itself, for example blue.php css.php in all folders in wordpress, and because of the negligence of the web admin because he rarely updates and scans for malware and follows up on the findings. So it’s not purely because of the wp update to 5.6, but the malware is very influential when on wp 5.6.

That’s the experience troubleshot wordpress, which makes bad moods … LOL …

Don’t forget to return the status in wp-config.php again

define (‘WP_DEBUG’, false);
define (‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, false);
define (‘WP_ALLOW_REPAIR’, false);

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