
Abbreviations and The difference between qq and cq

For those who saw a bank account or company documents with qq or cq note, prior position or a person’s name, may be confused, what is actually the purpose of the article or abbreviations.

Well here is an explanation of abbreviations and the difference between the qq and cq.

  1. “qq” is an abbreviation of “Qua Qualitate”. The Latin phrase that can be translated into Indonesian be “in his capacity / capacity as a representative (legal) from.”An example of the use of qq:

    “Sekretaris Daerah Kabupaten ABC qq Pemerintah Kabupaten ABC.
    “In this example
    , Pemerintah Kabupaten ABC through Bupati handed the mandate or authority to the Sekretaris Daerah to carry out an act to represent Pemerintah Kabupaten ABC.

  2. “cq” stands for “Casu Quo”. The phrase also from Latin can be translated into Indonesian be several meanings, including “in this case”, “more specific”. “Cq” is generally used in a hierarchical relationship.Examples the use of cq:

    Kepala Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal cq Deputi Bidang Pelayanan Penanaman Modal.”

  3. atau

    “Menteri Hukum dan HAM cq Direktur Jenderal Hak Kekayaan Intelektual cq Direktur Merek”.

The difference between the “qq” and “cq” is at the receiving destination. The abbreviation “qq” is used to describe those who represent and are represented, while “cq” is used to explain and / or demonstrate the parties in more detail, specific or special.
Lampiran IV Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia tentang Daftar Singkatan dan Akronim.

Source qq cq :

  • Hukum Online,

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