Blogs TIK World Wide Web

Periksa Website Anda, Apakah Lambat?

Lakukan segera: Kenali Situs Web Anda, dan Ketahui Apa yang Memperlambatnya Statistik tidak bohong: Pengguna lebih suka situs web dan aplikasi yang lebih cepat. Cloudflare Ada banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi kecepatan website Anda. Beberapa dapat Anda kendalikan; orang lain Anda tidak. Makalah ini mengkaji berbagai faktor yang memengaruhi performa web, dan langkah-langkah yang dapat diambil bisnis untuk menilai […]

Blogs TIK World Wide Web

Check Your Website, is it slow?

Getting Faster: Know Your Website, and Know What’s Slowing It Down The numbers don’t lie: Users prefer faster websites and applications. Cloudflare There are many factors that impact the speed of your website. Some you have control over; others you do not. This paper examines the various factors that impact web performance, and the steps […]

Blogs Free to use TIK World Wide Web

Daftar Kode Status Header

1xx InformationalRequest received, continuing process.This class of status code indicates a provisional response, consisting only of the StatusLine and optional headers, and is terminated by an empty line. Since HTTP/1.0 did notdefine any 1xx status codes, servers must not send a 1xx response to an HTTP/1.0client except under experimental conditions.100 ContinueThe server has received the […]

Blogs Info Kampus Pemeringkatan Institusi SISFO Kampus

Raising citations with certain engineering makes the h-index data go up but it’s fake

The cobra effect, Indonesian lecturers obsessed with the Scopus index and despicable practices towards world-class universities Want to be a world-class university, but the research citation is self-quoted. Tama2u/Shutterstock Rizqy Amelia Zein , Airlangga University President Joko Widodo has frequently criticized the performance of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemristekdikti) regarding the competitiveness of universities in […]

Blogs Info Kampus Pemeringkatan Institusi SISFO Kampus

Menaikkan sitasi dengan rekayasa tertentu membuat data h-indeks naik tapi palsu

Efek kobra, dosen Indonesia terobsesi pada indeks Scopus dan praktik tercela menuju universitas kelas dunia Mau jadi universitas kelas dunia, tapi citasi risetnya dikutip oleh diri sendiri. Tama2u/Shutterstock Rizqy Amelia Zein, Universitas Airlangga Presiden Joko Widodo kerap kali menyentil kinerja Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi (Kemristekdikti) mengenai daya saing universitas di Indonesia yang dia anggap […]

Blogs TIK World Wide Web

There is “witchcraft” in the world of SEO, be careful

The effects of witchcraft seo are detrimental to websites, namely in the form of:

loss of traffic
page size google berkurang
page rank down

Blogs TIK World Wide Web

Ada “santet” dalam dunia SEO lohh… hati-hati

Efek santet seo banyak merugikan website, yaitu berupa:

kehilangan trafic

page size google berkurang

page rank turun

Blogs TIK World Wide Web

what you can do about SEO is getting harder?

Searches resulting in zero clicks will continue to increase and the volume of organic traffic Google sends to our websites will continue to decrease. This makes SEO more important.