Microsoft Learn TIK

Turn off Windows 10 Update to Save on Internet Quota When Wifi Tethering

One time when the internet connection at home died, and there was work to be done immediately, then the internet needs were supplied via wifi tethering from the mobile phone. Go to work in the cloud, then suddenly the connection is lost, after checking it turns out the internet quota package on the phone runs out, […]

Blogs Microsoft Learn TIK

Matikan Windows 10 Update untuk Menghemat Quota Internet Saat Tethering Wifi

Suatu ketika saat koneksi internet dirumah mati, dan ada pekerjaan yang harus segera diselesaikan, maka kebutuhan internet disuplai melalui tethering wifi dari mobile phone. Keasikan bekerja di cloud, lalu tiba-tiba koneksi terputus, setelah di cek ternyata paket quota internet di hp habis, dan hampir saja menghabiskan juga seluruh pulsa yang ada. Gemes banget sama situasi […]