World Wide Web

What Google Looks at When Deciding Where to Rank Your Website

There are many different factor, that are contribute to your SEO rankings booth On-Page and Off-Page. Here is selection of example to consider and some tips to making sure your SEO campaign is up to scratch.

Multimedia World Wide Web

How to Avoid Using the Wrong Colour Scheme on Your Website

Collors effect us in countless ways, mentally and physically, consciously and subconsciously.

Belajar Islam

Jilbab Bagi Wanita Beragama Islam adalah bukan warisan budaya arab tetapi keharusan yang tercatat dalam Al-Quran

KOMENTAR: “kamu ngapain berhijab panjang gitu? mau jadi ustadzah?” TANGGAPAN: berhijab syar’i bukan cuma ustadzah kali.. semua Muslimah juga diperintah KOMENTAR: “kamu mau jadi teroris pake hijab panjang kayak gitu?” TANGGAPAN: kerudung melabuh ke dada dan jilbab lebar itu perintah Allah dear KOMENTAR: “hijab biasa aja kali, nggak usah ekstrim, berlebihan ah” TANGGAPAN: lho, jadi […]