Pemeringkatan Institusi

Pengertian Webometric

Webometric adalah salah satu perangkat untuk mengukur kemajuan perguruan tinggi melalui Websitenya. Sebagai alat ukur (Webomatric) sudah mendapat pengakuan dunia termasuk di Indonesia (sekalipun masih ada yang meragukan tingkat validitasnya). Peringkat Webometric pertama kali diluncurkan pada tahun 2004 oleh Laboratorium Cybermetric milik The Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC). CSIC merupakan lembaga penelitian terbesar di Spanyol.Secara […]

Info Kampus

Pengertian Karya Tulis Ilmiah

Karya tulis ilmiah adalah suatu produk dari kegiatan ilmiah. Membicarakan produk ilmiah, pasti kita membayangkan kegiatan yang dilakukan untuk menghasilkan temuan baru yang bersifat ilmiah, yaitu penelitian. Memang temuan ilmiah dilakukan melalu penelitian, namun tidak hanya penelitian merupakan satu-satunya karya tulis ilmiah. Karya tulis ilmiah adalah suatu tulisan yang membahas suatu per- masalahan. Pembahasan itu dilakukan berdasarkan […]

Info Kampus

Literatur Penelitian dan Jurnal Ilmiah Gratis

by Romi Satria Wahono “Mas, mau nanya situs-situs yang bagus untuk cari jurnal penelitian apa ya?” (Winky) Pertanyaan menarik dari mas Winky, yang mungkin juga menjadi pertanyaan bagi sebagian rekan-rekan yang bergerak di dunia penelitian, baik mahasiswa yang lagi nyusun skripsi/thesis/disertasi, juga bagi dosen ataupun peneliti yang ada di lembaga penelitian. Studi literatur dalam proses penelitian adalah wajib […]

Pemeringkatan Institusi

Daftar Nama Jurnal Indonesia yang Bereputasi JURNAL INTERNASIONAL Terindeks di Scopus

Jurnal Internasional Terbitan Indonesia (ada 9 Jurnal kita sudah bereputasi Jurnal Internasional) Jurnal-jurnal ilmiah yang dikelola perguruan tinggi  ternyata masih mengalami kesulitan untuk ditingkatkan menjadi jurnal internasional. Kendalanya yang dihadapi terutama di kualitas dan pembiayaan. Tidak mudah membuat sebuah jurnal menjadi jurnal internasional. Umumnya, adalah dengan memasukkan jurnal ke dalam situs Scopus, yang merupakan situs […]


Software Monitoring Splunk

“Splunk is software to search, monitor and analyze machine-generated data by applications, systems and IT infrastructure at scale via a web-style interface. Splunk captures, indexes and correlates real-time data in a searchable repository from which it can generate graphs, reports, alerts, dashboards and visualizations.” Website : Download splunk rpm sesuaikan dengan tipe COS nya , […]


Perancang Lambang Garuda Pancasila

Siapa tak kenal burung Garuda berkalung perisai yang merangkum lima sila (Pancasila). Tapi orang Indonesia mana sajakah yang tahu, siapa pembuat lambang negara itu dulu? Dia adalah Sultan Hamid II, yang terlahir dengan nama Syarif Abdul Hamid Alkadrie, putra sulung Sultan Pontianak; Sultan Syarif Muhammad Alkadrie. Lahir di Pontianak tanggal 12 Juli 1913. Dalam tubuhnya […]

Free to use

Konversi Video Menggunakan Beberapa PC Server

Ripbot264 Distributed Encoding  HTPC Tips and Tweaks, Software Tips and Tweaks Add comments Aug062012   I’ve been using Ripbot264 to encode DVDs and, more recently, Blu-rays for a few years now.  I won’t call myself an expert or anything, but I am well versed in it by now.  Despite Ripbot’s progressions and increasing features, I’ve pretty much […]

Free Open Source Software (FOSS)

Bossies 2012 The Best of Open Source Software Awards

It’s back — and bigger and badder than ever! Our sixth annual Bossie Awards call out more than 100 open source products in seven categories Welcome to the sixth annual Best of Open Source Software Awards, otherwise known as the Bossies. If you’ve enjoyed our previous Bossies, you’re in for a treat: This year, with the help […]

Free Open Source Software (FOSS)

Bossie Awards 2012 Now for something completely different

InfoWorld’s top picks among open source games and geek time-wasters By InfoWorld staff, InfoWorld, September 18, 2012 Now for something completely different For the first time, we went in search of games, time-wasters, and hobby tools to celebrate. While the open source world clearly has more to offer the data center and office than the living […]


Spend less time on routine tasks and more time on innovation

Would recovering 20-30% time in your day by spending less time on routine operations and break / fix activities interest you? Sure. Who wouldn’t be interested? The big question is how. While it’s an all too familiar story, businesses tell us that shifting resources from operations to innovation is still one of their biggest challenges. […]


The secret to being productive

The business world is a hectic place. And people with larger workloads need to be busier to cope with the speed at which the world works – or do they? A number of studies have shown that being very busy doesn’t necessarily mean being more productive. Surprisingly, the most productive people are often more relaxed […]

World Wide Web

7 tips for better search results

Internet searches? Simple enough, right? Just type in the topic you’re interested in and instantly pages and pages of links appear. In this age of information, “enough” never seems to be the problem anymore. Rather, gathering information is a case of finding too much. So then, how can you arrive at a shorter, more relevant […]


3 new tips for mastering Excel

Imagine you’re a sales manager for a large retail chain in Europe. Suddenly, your finance colleague has come down sick with the flu in the middle of the monthly sales reporting. Your boss needs the hard numbers on her desk by tomorrow morning and your colleague has left a mess of data for you to […]

Free Open Source Software (FOSS)

Top Open Source ERP Software

The power of enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM) software is now universally seen as a necessity for any organization or business. The features and benefits of these programs can lead directly to increased efficiency and profit. However, organizations in different industries have different requirements for ERP software, which can be difficult […]

Free Open Source Software (FOSS)

Bossie Awards 2012 The best open source networking and security software

InfoWorld’s top picks among many tools for building a network, running a network, and ensuring that the network is secure By InfoWorld staff, InfoWorld, September 18, 2012 The best open source networking and security software Few will be surprised at the wealth of open source networking and security tools available. But you might be surprised at […]

Free Open Source Software (FOSS)

Bossie Awards 2012 The best open source desktop applications

InfoWorld’s top picks among open source office apps, time-saving utilities, and other desktop productivity tools By InfoWorld staff, InfoWorld, September 18, 2012 The best open source desktop applications With so many free and amazingly capable open source desktop apps available, it’s a wonder anyone still pays for software. And with OpenOffice and LibreOffice now competing to […]