
This is Mirror of EBook from Pustaka STISI Telkom 3

This is Mirror of EBook from Pustaka STISI Telkom 3   contoh-laporan-kongres-AAHCA09-0010-xml-0028 Cisco_Lan_Switching-0482 contoh-laporan-kongres-AAHCA09-0010-xml-0097 contoh-laporan-kongres-AAHCA09-0010-xml-0618 contoh-laporan-kongres-AAHCA09-0010-xml-0147 contoh-laporan-kongres-AAHCA09-0010-xml-0015 contoh-laporan-kongres-AAHCA09-0010-xml-0907 contoh-laporan-kongres-AAHCA09-0010-xml-0035 contoh-laporan-kongres-AAHCA09-0010-xml-0035 Configuring_Bgp_On_Cisco_Routers_Vol_1_319 oreilly-head-first-web-design-242-242 android-aplication-development-beginning_254 android-aplication-development-beginning-0210 windows-server-2008-adm-0200 Cisco_Lan_Switching-0028 2012_Hepatology_092 android-aplication-development-beginning_375 Cisco_Lan_Switching-0584 Cisco_Lan_Switching-0159 android-aplication-development-beginning_198 android-aplication-development-beginning_279 Cisco_Lan_Switching-0570 android-aplication-development-beginning_134 Cisco_Lan_Switching-0734 national-agronomy-manual-us-dept-of-agriculture-0043 national-agronomy-manual-us-dept-of-agriculture-0043 Cisco_Lan_Switching-0523 android-aplication-development-beginning_307 android-aplication-development-beginning_089 android-aplication-development-beginning_227 contoh-laporan-kongres-AAHCA09-0010-xml-0019 contoh-laporan-kongres-AAHCA09-0010-xml-0044 Cisco_Lan_Switching-0459 windows-server-2008-adm-0200 Cisco_Lan_Switching-0540 FPG_011_HepatitisCGuide_2012_019 FPG_009_HepatitisCAlbanianEdition_2012_017 Configuring_BGP_on_Cisco_Routers_Vol_2t_294 android-aplication-development-beginning-0073 FPG_011_HepatitisCGuide_2012_028 FPG_009_HepatitisCAlbanianEdition_2012_006 Cisco_Lan_Switching-0364 symfony-1-3-web-application-development-227-227 Cisco_Lan_Switching-0374 […]


This is Mirror of EBook from Pustaka STISI Telkom 2

This is Mirror of EBook from Pustaka STISI Telkom 2   oreilly-head-first-web-design-263-263 Cisco_Lan_Switching-0720 Cisco_Lan_Switching-0661 oreilly-head-first-web-design_345 sitepoint-the-php-anthology-2nd-edition-oct07-0366 sitepoint-the-php-anthology-2nd-edition-oct07-0366 iraqs-wmd-vol2-0023 oreilly-head-first-web-design_204 CiscoLanSwitching_60 johnwiley-and-sons-php-and-mysql-for-dummies-2nd-edition-mar04-134-134 edge500-owners-manual-en-0053 edge500-owners-manual-en-0053 oreilly-head-first-web-design_450 FPG_012_SepsisGrave_2012_122 FPG_012_SepsisGrave_2012-0039 oreilly-head-first-web-design-136-136 windows-server-2008-adm-0193 2012_Hepatology_126 oreilly-head-first-web-design-1-1 windows-server-2008-adm-0193 oreilly-head-first-web-design-138-138 oreilly-head-first-web-design_427 FPG_012_SepsisGrave_2012_058 sitepoint-the-php-anthology-2nd-edition-oct07-0244 oreilly-head-first-web-design-191-191 sitepoint-the-php-anthology-2nd-edition-oct07-0244 2012_Hepatology_152 android-aplication-development-beginning-204-204 FPG_012_SepsisGrave_2012_006 oreilly-head-first-web-design-180-180 the-css-anthology-101-essential-tricks-hacks-2nd-dition-may07_156 2012_Hepatology_470 FPG_012_SepsisGrave_2012_137 android-aplication-development-beginning_099 2012_Hepatology_062 oreilly-head-first-web-design_341 Iraqs_WMD_Vol1_204 FPG_010_LesTumeursRenales_2012_068 johnwiley-and-sons-php-and-mysql-for-dummies-2nd-edition-mar04_237 johnwiley-and-sons-php-and-mysql-for-dummies-2nd-edition-mar04_285 Iraqs_WMD_Vol1_212 Iraqs_WMD_Vol1_182 oreilly-head-first-web-design-197-197 oreilly-head-first-web-design_004 […]


This is Mirror of EBook from Pustaka STISI Telkom

This is Mirror of EBook from Pustaka STISI Telkom   Cisco_Lan_Switching_103 android-aplication-development-beginning_002 Memonitor Server Dengan Cacti rhel6-advantage-wp_016 rhel6-advantage-wp_015 rhel6-advantage-wp_014 rhel6-advantage-wp_013 rhel6-advantage-wp_012 rhel6-advantage-wp_011 rhel6-advantage-wp_010 rhel6-advantage-wp_009 rhel6-advantage-wp_008 rhel6-advantage-wp_007 rhel6-advantage-wp_006 rhel6-advantage-wp_005 rhel6-advantage-wp_004 rhel6-advantage-wp_003 rhel6-advantage-wp_002 rhel6-advantage-wp_001 rhel6-advantage-wp-16-16 rhel6-advantage-wp-16-16 rhel6-advantage-wp-0016 rhel6-advantage-wp-0016 rhel6-advantage-wp-15-15 rhel6-advantage-wp-15-15 rhel6-advantage-wp-0015 rhel6-advantage-wp-0015 rhel6-advantage-wp-14-14 rhel6-advantage-wp-14-14 rhel6-advantage-wp-0014 rhel6-advantage-wp-0014 rhel6-advantage-wp-13-13 rhel6-advantage-wp-13-13 rhel6-advantage-wp-0013 rhel6-advantage-wp-0013 rhel6-advantage-wp-12-12 rhel6-advantage-wp-12-12 rhel6-advantage-wp-0012 rhel6-advantage-wp-0012 rhel6-advantage-wp-11-11 rhel6-advantage-wp-11-11 rhel6-advantage-wp-0011 […]

Kepemimpinan dan Manajemen

Pemimpin Sejati Melayani

“Pemimpin sejati melayani. Melayani orang-orang. Melayani minat terbaik mereka. Dalam memimpin, mereka tidak selalu bertindak populer, dan tidak juga selalu mengesankan. Tetapi pemimpin sejati selalu dimotivasi oleh kepedulian kasih dibandingkan hasrat kejayaan pribadi dan mereka pun bersedia membayar harganya” – Eugene B. Habecker   Memimpin yang efektif bukanlah mengenai bagaimana memerintah anak buah. Semua orang pun bisa melakukan hal itu jika diberi kekuasaan. Memimpin yang efektif adalah […]


Pemimpin Sejati Melayani

“Pemimpin sejati melayani. Melayani orang-orang. Melayani minat terbaik mereka. Dalam memimpin, mereka tidak selalu bertindak populer, dan tidak juga selalu mengesankan. Tetapi pemimpin sejati selalu dimotivasi oleh kepedulian kasih dibandingkan hasrat kejayaan pribadi dan mereka pun bersedia membayar harganya” – Eugene B. Habecker   Memimpin yang efektif bukanlah mengenai bagaimana memerintah anak buah. Semua orang pun bisa melakukan hal itu jika diberi kekuasaan. Memimpin yang efektif adalah […]

RedHat OS

The Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advantage

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY There is a famous definition that describes an airplane as a million parts flying in close forma­tion. Linux is like that airplane-it consists of millions of lines of code in thousands of modules from tens of thousands of developers. And its value isn’t in the pieces- it’s in reliably and effi­ciently solving customer […]

Debian OS Free Open Source Software (FOSS)

Cacti Network Management

Cacti merupakan salah satu tool populer yang digunakan secara luas untuk mendukung network management yang efektif dan efisien. Tidak hanya mampu memonitor besarnya traffic atau lalu lintas data dalam jaringan, namun juga memiliki kemampuan untuk mengambil data-data penting lainnya melalui SNMP, antara lain CPU dan memory usage. Memonitor Server Dengan Cacti pdf Cacti Monitoring Tool Sulitkah implementasinya? […]


Warna warni Air Sungai Cicahur Padalarang

Warna warni Air Sungai Cicahur Padalarang zoom SebelumnyaBerikutnya 1/7Bermain Aktivis Greenpeace menandai lagi sebuah saluran pembuangan limbah industri tak bertuan dengan sebuah tanda bertuliskan “Perhatian. Limbah Berbahaya Keluar Dari Sini!!!. untuk mendesak pemerintah Indonesia segera beraksi untuk menghentikan pencemaran bahan berbahaya industri ke Sungai Citarum dan sungai-sungai lainya di Indonesia. Dari tempat ini, aktivis Greenpeace […]


Bahan Beracun Lepas Kendali: Greenpeace Ungkap Bahan Kimia Berbahaya di Sungai Citarum

Beberapa kanal dan saluran pembuangan industri di beberapa area industri di sepanjang Sungai Citarum, Jawa Barat, diidentifikasi mengandung bahan-bahan kimia berbahaya yang dapat mengganggu kesehatan, bersifat toksik bagi sistem reproduksi dan bahkan dapat menyebabkan kanker, menurut laporan yang diluncurkan hari ini oleh Greenpeace dan Walhi Jawa Barat. Investigasi Greenpeace menemukan bahan-bahan kimia berbahaya di muara […]


10 Sungai Terkotor Di Dunia

Sungai yang kita tahu adalah sumber air bagi warga sekitar dan bahkan bisa untuk di jadikan sumber mata pencaharian. Tetapi apa yang terjadi apabila sungai berubah menjadi kotor? Dan berikut ini 10 sungai terkotor di dunia dan termasuk salah satunya di Indonesia. 1. SUNGAI CITARUM, INDONESIA Sungai Citarum terletak di Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Sungai ini sudah kelihatan seperti kolam sampah padahal […]

World Wide Web

RSS – Blog Directories

Below is a list of the submission urls for RSS and blog directories that you can submit your blog or RSS feed to. This list is a work in progress and will change often. Send feedback, edits to: blog at toprankresults dot com Bookmark and Share This Page: | Furl | Google | StumbleUpon You might also be interested in […]

World Wide Web

Free RSS Submission Directories List

Where can you submit your RSS Feeds? Below is a list where you can submit your blog and RSS feeds. These RSS submission sites are ordered byGoogle PageRank and listed with links to the “Add/Suggest a Site” pages. Last updated: September 07, 2011 No. Directory PR Comments 1 8 * Register 2 8 ** German 3 […]

World Wide Web

RSS Top 55 Best Blog Directory And RSS Submission Sites

The RSS Top 55 is my personal selection of the best blog and RSS directories and search engines that you can find on the web. Over the years, I have spent so much time in updating and refining it that the original list has grown to feature almost 400 directories and search engines, which make up […]

World Wide Web

RSS Top 55 Best Blog Directory And RSS Submission Sites

The RSS Top 55 is my personal selection of the best blog and RSS directories and search engines that you can find on the web. Over the years, I have spent so much time in updating and refining it that the original list has grown to feature almost 400 directories and search engines, which make up […]

World Wide Web

Why ‘RSS Submission’ is So Important

Over the years, RSS has been widely used to run auto blogs, read blogs, get updates and much more. Many web developers out there still don’t submit their RSS feeds to popular submission websites. RSS feeds contain all your blogs posts and links to each of them. Submitting them to a website that lists the […]

Pemeringkatan Institusi World Wide Web

Branding, URLs, HANDLEs and DOIs in repositories

The indicator used for estimating the visibility (impact) of the items deposited in the repositories is the number of external inlinks they received, considering as the targeted URLs those that are using the domain or subdomain of the repository. For example:* where the asterisk refer to all the webpages and documents independently of their format. Surprisingly […]